9OS: Project task - Survival Game

What do you do if you are stranded on a subtropical island? The island is about 500 km away from the nearest land. Nobody knows where you are…

Have YOU got what it takes to be an explorer? The 9OS students for sure. They proofed it during the project task game.

It was a game about surviving the island. In the game, there were challenges like: “It’s raining - if you have a tent then you are safe, if not, you miss a turn.” The game had useful items like a tent. If you had luck, and you had the useful items, you won.

Here a few commentaries from our explorers:

  • I found it awesome because I won two times.
  • During the game we communicated a lot in English, and it was very funny.
  • We needed some dice, the play cards and the game board. The lesson was very interesting, the game was very cool. My group won the Game. 
  • It was very cool that we played with the parallel class. 
  • The game was actually not that difficult to understand, but unfortunately, my group and I had to hand in a few green carts, so we lost.
  • I found the survival game verry cool because we were on the 1. place and in the last round we had a bad luck square and we were on the last place. That was funny! We didn’t know which group won until the very last round – that was very exciting.

Want more? Here you can read stories about the experience on a lonely island, written by our 9OS explorers:

Link: An explorer’s blog_9OSE_2024 (padlet.com)

